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Discover the firsthand experiences of our customers through heartfelt reviews, for valuable insights into our products and services.


"It's so nice to finally have a formula that I feel is safe for my baby to have. Looking into the ingredients I know that my baby is getting one of the healthiest formulas out there. Love this company, efficient and trustworthy with my baby's formula."

Sean Port from St Lucie

"Thrilled to have found this shop! The diverse range assures quality, and the efficient, reliable experience keeps me coming back. Transparent, trustworthy – my go-to for hassle-free, top-notch shopping."

Emily Brooks from Willow Grove

"The Holle PRE formula has been a game-changer for my baby's health, and this shop's dedication to organic products has gained my trust!"

Luna from New Mexico

"Transitioning from Holle Stage 1 to Stage 2 felt really easy and Organic Formula Shop team was really helpful. Maltodextrin's perks shine – easy mixing, gentle on my baby, and the right sweetness. My baby loves it, and knowing maltodextrin's safety boosts my confidence. Thank you, Holle and Organic Formula Shop!"

Lisa Schumacher from Ohio

"HiPP Hypoallergenic Stage 1 is perfect for my baby's sensitive tummy. I'm so glad I found this at the Organic Formula Shop. Their commitment to quality gives me peace of mind as a parent."

Emily R from Alaska

So what are you waiting for ?

Your baby deserves the best formula.

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