Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is very important to us - we assure you of the discreet handling of your data in accordance with our strict privacy policy. 

  • Storage of access data in Server Log Files 
  • You can visit our websites without providing any personal information. We only store data in so-called server log files, such as the name of the requested file, date and time of access, amount of data transmitted and the requesting provider. This data is used solely to ensure trouble-free operation of the site and to improve our service and allow us no conclusion on your person.  

  • Data collection and use for contract execution and for opening an account 
  • During order processing, we retrieve via our customer data form different personal data from you, which you transfer to us together with the remaining order-related data by sending your order. Accordingly, we only request and collect personal data that were originally sent by you.  

    Collecting personal data, which is done during order processing, is performed for fulfillment of our own business reasons in the framework of the agreed contractual relation. As far as you have created a customer account within the scope of order processing, the collection of personal data is done in order to save these in our customer database to avoid repeated collection of personal data when generating orders in the future. 

  • Transfer of personal data to third party 
  • A transfer of personal data to a third party is only done to such extent as needed for order management and is limited to involving service providers, like assigned forwarders or the assigned finance institute handling payments. If personal data is transferred, the extent of transferred data is reduced to the absolute minimum.

  • Usage of cookies 
  • To present our services more individually, we use so-called cookies. Cookies are identifications that are sent by our web server to your computer for identifying it during your page visit. Most browsers are configured to accept such cookies automatically. This means that the respective cookies are saved on your computer. In a following website visit, these saved cookies are used to identify your computer through our web server. You can set your browser so that you are informed about the use of cookies and decide individually about their acceptance or exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general. If you can not accept cookies, the functionality of our website will be limited.

  • Your rights 
  • You are entitled to receive information about your saved personal data without being charged. Please send any such inquiry to the address given in the information on the host (Supplier Identification) of this website. If your saved personal data contains wrong information, we will surely correct your data upon receiving the correct information from you.

    Furthermore, you are entitled to reject any given agreement concerning the saving of personal data at any time and without stating reasons, with effect for the future. An informal note is sufficient to do so. If such not is received, all personal data related to your person are deleted unless the related data is still needed for fulfilling contracted obligations or legal requirements make deletion impossible. In this case, related personal data is not deleted but made inaccessible.